City of Oxford
Facade Improvement Grant
The Façade Improvement Program is a grant available to developers, businesses, and commercial building owners that wish to improve their property. The program is a 70/30 grant that may not exceed the amount of $2,000 per address per year. Façade grant renovation can be used on any exterior portion of the building that is visible to the public. This can include the building's front, back, and sides, exterior doors, windows, shutters, gates, and other decorative elements that are integral to the façade. The program's mission is to stimulate revitalization and private sector capital investment by proactively addressing deteriorating property conditions and encouraging improvements which increase economic vitality.
City of Oxford
Signage Improvement Grant
The Signage Improvement Program is a grant available to developers, business, and commercial building owners that wish to improve their signage. The program is divided into two types of funding for either a “brick and mortar” business or a mobile unit. The “brick and mortar” fund has a total pool of $7,000 and the mobile unit has a total pool of $3,000. The program is a 70/30 grant that may not exceed the amount of $1,000 per address, per year for the “brick and mortar” category and mobile units may not exceed the amount of $500 per unit, per year for the “mobile unit” category. Applicants may not apply for both, but only one category.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Funding from the National Trust is awarded to nonprofit organizations and public agencies, and the majority of our funding is awarded for planning and education projects through our National Trust Preservation Funds grant program.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Grants & Loans
USDA Rural Development forges partnerships with rural communities, funding projects that bring housing, community facilities, business guarantees, utilities and other services to rural America. USDA provides technical assistance and financial backing for rural businesses and cooperatives to create quality jobs in rural areas. Rural Development promotes the President's National Energy Policy and ultimately the nation's energy security by engaging the entrepreneurial spirit of rural America in the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements. Rural Development works with low-income individuals, State, local and Indian tribal governments, as well as private and nonprofit organizations and user-owned cooperatives.
Alabama Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
The Alabama Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit is a 25% refundable tax credit available for owners of commercial properties who substantially rehabilitate historic properties that are listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and are 60 years old or older. The tax credit provides jobs, increases the tax base, and revitalizes existing buildings and infrastructure, while preserving and rehabilitating Alabama’s historic properties.
Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
The Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives program is the largest Federal program that specifically supports historic preservation and is one of the nation's most effective programs to promote historic preservation and community revitalization.
The National Park Service is the federal agency that administers the program, and the AHC is the point of contact for anyone who applies for tax credits for properties in Alabama. The Historic Preservation Certification Application must be submitted (in duplicate) to the AHC to certify that the property is eligible for the program and that proposed work meets historic rehabilitation guidelines.
The Secretary of the Interior's Standards
for the Treatment of Historic Properties
The Standards are a series of concepts about maintaining, repairing, and replacing historic materials, as well as designing new additions or making alterations. The Guidelines offer general design and technical recommendations to assist in applying the Standards to a specific property. Together, they provide a framework and guidance for decision-making about work or changes to a historic property.
The Standards and Guidelines can be applied to historic properties of all types, materials, construction, sizes, and use. They include both the exterior and the interior and extend to a property’s landscape features, site, environment, as well as related new construction.
Federal agencies use the Standards and Guidelines in carrying out their historic preservation responsibilities. State and local officials use them in reviewing both Federal and non-federal rehabilitation proposals. Historic district and planning commissions across the country use the Standards and Guidelines to guide their design review processes.
The Standards offer four distinct approaches to the treatment of historic properties—preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction with Guidelines for each.

520 Main Street before facade renovation- c. 2019

520 Main Street after facade renovation- c. 2019